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Show Up, Let Go

Several months ago I had a dream.

 I was standing next to a swimming pool. A very wise woman emerged from the pool. She looked relieved to see me. She gave me a hug and exclaimed,

"Andrea, I'm so glad you're here. We need presenters now at this level."

I was self conscious.

"What?" I said. "I haven't prepared anything. I didn't come to present. I don't have anything ready."

She looked at me skeptically, "Andrea, you were the one sent to me. Just present what you have now and let God direct the Impact."

I have a bad habit of holding on to things that I create; an idea, a story, a vision, a new business, a song, a piece of art. I hold on to these things because I have an insecure feeling that they are not worthy of being shared. I hold onto these ideas because I feel I'm not ready for the direction my life might take if I share something that actually connects with other people. I hold onto these ideas because I have a false belief that they are generated by ME with no help or prodding from Spirit and I fear the opinions of others. I hold onto creative ideas for many other reasons as well. The point is: I keep them to myself.

When I had this dream I was already going through a lot of life transformation, but in essence, I have always wanted to be a public speaker, a story teller, and add to the tapestry of life with my own unique point of view. I just had so many excuses to push my dreams aside.

This dream that I had is my soul prodding. I'm allowed to simply show up, present what I have to present to the world, and let God do with it what God will do with it. Even if the impact is very small, I'm still HERE! I've still shown up... Finally. I think that showing up is a huge part of the evolution of the new life.

If you desire a change in your life, are ready to take your experience to the next soul level, it is important to be willing to bring all that you have. Maybe you think it isn't important enough, or not developed enough, or not perfect enough. But who are you to judge? You were given that idea. It is a gift. It could be the impetus needed for others to come forth in collaboration to generate a positive shift for the collective Universe.

Start here. Let's share together. Let's show up together and offer what we have at this level. And let the ripples go where they need to go. Show up and Let Go.

I am Your Witness. I can help you see the magical greatness of your own Soul Story.

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Hello, I'm Andrea.  I wax poetic a lot of the time and embellish adjectives for the sake of the imagery and enjoyment of reading.  But please note that every story is true and happened to me.  I write with authority. Magic does really exist and miracles happen every day.

My wish is that you read my words for entertainment and inspiration.  And that soon you'll contact me to add your words to our collective dialogue of creating the new life we've always imagined it could be.

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